怒海英雄:忠诚 (2003)

  • 英国
  • |
  • 冒险  战争


  • Lieutenant Bush: [Mr. Bush has noticed that there is no mention of Horatio's smothering the fuse of a cannon ball] Sir, I hope you will not fail to mention the incident. Commander Horatio Hornblower: It has been recorded in the log. Lieutenant Bush: [reading] A five inch shot, fired from shore, landed on deck and failed to explode. Sir, that is not what happened. Commander Horatio Hornblower: Was not a five inch shot fired from shore? Lieutenant Bush: Yes, sir. Commander Horatio Hornblower: Did it not land on deck? Lieutenant Bush: Well, yes sir but... Commander Horatio Hornblower: Did it perhaps explode without my noticing? Lieutenant Bush: No, sir. Commander Horatio Hornblower: Then my report is accurate. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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