"Farscape" Premiere (1999)

  • 澳大利亚 美国
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  • 冒险  奇幻  科幻
"Farscape" Premiere


  • [to Rygel, in response to an unusual aspect of Hynerian physiology] John Crichton: You fart HELIUM? John Crichton: Don't move or I'll fill you full of... little yellow bolts of light. Dominar Rygel XVI: I hate Starburst! John Crichton: Look, I... can't be your kind of hero. Jack Crichton: No, you can't be. But each man gets a chance to be his own kind of hero. Aeryn Sun: What is your rank and regiment? And why are you out of uniform? Rank and regiment now! [Upon seeing Moya for the first time] John Crichton: That's big. That's really big. John Crichton: [Upon first arriving aboard Moya] By the way, what part of the universe are we in? Are we still in Orion's arm, still in the Milky Way... You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Let me see some star charts, get some common points of reference. John Crichton: How about we show them a little compassion? Aeryn Sun: Compassion? What is compassion? John Crichton: Compassion? Wha... you're kidding, right? Aeryn Sun: [Regarding Crichton] Sir, he claims to be a human, from a planet called Erp. Captain Biallar Crais: Human? It will require some study. I will personally enjoy pulling you apart to see what you're made of. Aeryn Sun: [to Crichton] Listen to me. If you want to live, choose your allegiances carefully. That's not to say there are any guarantees, though. Crichton: Rygel is an obnoxious gas bag and who's going to shell out for that? Rygel: He's right! I'm unloved, unwanted, unpopular [Crichton punches him] Rygel: unconscious... Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan: Pilot, does Moya know where we are? Pilot: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Yes, of course! We're someplace else... I'll get back to you on the specifics. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Crichton: I got great eyes, they're better than 20/20, and they're blue! Officer Aeryn Sun: When I'm old and fat - when I'm old, there is one thing I will look back on with enormous pride and that is killing you. Crichton: Don't move! Or I'll fill ya full of... little yellow bolts of light! Officer Aeryn Sun: It's not you, its me... I don't like YOU. Crichton: My name is John Chrichton, an astronaut. My spaceship was shot through a wormhole, and I crash-landed on a ship - a living ship. I'm surrounded by strange beings, and I'm being chased by an alien race. I hope this reaches someone. Should I go? I'm not sure if Earth is ready for the nightmares I've experienced. Or do I stay? But then you'll never know the wonders I've seen. Crichton: D'argo, tell him who his daddy is! Ka D'argo: I'm your daddy! Aeryn Sun: It is my duty, my breeding, since birth! It's what I am! John Crichton: You can be more. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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