最后决斗 (1999)

  • 英国
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  • 冒险  战争


  • Captain Sir Edward Pellew: Damn your impudence, sir! Midshipman Horatio Hornblower: [Running out across the mast, under fire and too high for comfort] Damn, damn, damn! Midshipman Archie Kennedy: Welcome to Purgatory! Midshipman Archie Kennedy: His majesty's ship of the line Justinian, known elsewise among her intimates as the good ship Slough of Despond. Midshipman Archie Kennedy: You've heard the latest rumours of course, that [King] Midshipman Archie Kennedy: Louis [the XVI] Midshipman Archie Kennedy: was captured just before Christmas. What do you think they'll do with him? You can't kill a king! Midshipman Archie Kennedy: [after a battle] Did you see me? Did you see? We carried her by boarding, I killed two! Well... one, certainly... Midshipman Jack Simpson: [the night after Jack Simpson returns to the Inde. Archie walks into the wardroom to get his hat, but realizes he's not alone... ] Hello, Archie. [Archie turns to look at him] Midshipman Jack Simpson: [Standing] It's been a long time. [Advancing on Archie] Midshipman Jack Simpson: Jack's missed you, boy. Midshipman Jack Simpson: [after Horatio tries to argue that Simpson is going against regulations] I *piss* on your regulations! Midshipman Horatio Hornblower: [after he and Clayton settle Archie after his first fit] What ails him? Midshipman Clayton: [Glances at Simpson] What ails us all. Midshipman Clayton: [after shooting Simpson in a duel] Got you... Bastard... [blood pours from his mouth and he collapses forwards, shot in the gut] Midshipman Clayton: [as he lays dying] You were right. Horatio... someone had to stand again him. Midshipman Jack Simpson: Where is he? Midshipman Clayton: I regret that my principle has met with an accident that prevents his attendance this morning 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 36 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Midshipman Jack Simpson 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • ecf 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • : You mean the little coward has pissed himself? Midshipman Clayton: [Handing Horatio a flask] There's a drop of Grog in it to warm you through. [No response] Midshipman Clayton: Horatio? Midshipman Horatio Hornblower: Death. Midshipman Clayton: What? Midshipman Horatio Hornblower: I was thinking on death. Midshipman Clayton: Whose? Midshipman Horatio Hornblower: Mine. Midshipman Clayton: The beating he gave you, that was nothing. Believe me. You don't know half of what he's capable of. Midshipman Jack Simpson: [after Horatio interrupts his attack on Archie] We were just catching up on old times, Mr. Hornblower. Midshipman Horatio Hornblower: These are new times, Mr. Simpson. You have no hold over us here. Midshipman Jack Simpson: Now, the point of this inquisition is for me to get to know you better. See, I know these dogs. I know what gnaws at the souls at night, things they're rather no one knew. Now... what's your dirty little secret? A fancier of other boys, perhaps? Or is it... that you mother makes a living on her back? Midshipman Horatio Hornblower: You filthy- [headbutt] Midshipman Horatio Hornblower: Fish for it! Capt. Keene: Time, gentlemen. Now, let's see how you have fared with the problem set for you by Mister Bowles. Mister Simpson, we must all rejoice! The sources of the Nile have been discovered at last. Your ship, as far as I can make out from your illiterate scrawl, is in Central Africa. Midshipman Clayton: Damned unsporting of the everlasting to fix his canon 'gainst self-slaughter. If you ask me. Captain Sir Edward Pellew: The old adversary may wear a new face, but whatever mask he chooses to hide behind, a Frenchman is still a Frenchman and we will beat him as we always have beaten him! Oldroyd: Come along-ee, Frenchie; um, this-a way-a. Matthews: Beggin' your pardon, sir. Hadn't you better cock your pistol? Capt. Forget: That was a foolish thing to do, boy. I might have killed you. Midshipman Horatio Hornblower: And forgo the pleasure of crowing at my discomfort? I think not. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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