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"Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea"
Captain Crane:
A man learns a great deal sitting on top of an armed nuclear bomb for twenty-four hours.
Admiral Nelson:
I can think of a number of important people in this world of ours who would profit enormously from the experience.
Admiral Nelson:
[after hearing of the death of a rather unpleasant person] I wish I could say that I was sorry. But I'm not.
Admiral Nelson:
Seaview's job is never finished. As long as there are destructive forces in the world. As long as there are secrets of nature to be probed, believe me, there'll be work for us. On missions just as vital and as dangerous as this one.
Captain Crane:
[after watching a flying saucer depart] We can expect to see it again someday. I hope they'll remember they were treated as friends.
Admiral Nelson:
They'll remember all right. I wonder if we will.