
  • Duo Maxwell: If we weren't idiots, we wouldn't be soldiers. Heero Yuy: Peace is nothing but a result of war. Catherine Bloom: So you're the one who brainwashed my Trowa with your strange ideas. I won't let you off so easy next time. Trowa Barton: That girl's tears stopped me. If you were in my shoes, you still would have done it, right? Now you should understand why I admire your strength. Heero Yuy: I said this before. The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions. Heero Yuy: Botched your mission? You couldn't destroy the base and you didn't kill Doctor J and the others. Duo Maxwell: How 'bout a little sympathy? In any case I'm still glad I decided to come here. I've got good news, your Gundam and mine are being rebuilt as we speak, ya know. I can hardly wait until they're done. Heero Yuy: Looks like Oz will be keeping up alive for a while. It's a good chance so don't die yet. Duo Maxwell: Don't worry about me pal, I have no intention of dying that easily. There's the colonies to fight for. Just watch me, I'll become the God of Death once again... but right now, I need some sleep. Heero Yuy: [Heero is walking, stops beside Relena] I'll kill you... [continues walking] Quatre Raberba Winner: [after Heero says he has no intention of talking with an enemy, Quatre begins to lock onto Heero's suit while Quatre is in Wing Zero] Well, I guess that's it, then. Goodbye, Heero. Heero Yuy: [Heero starts to lose control in Wing Zero] Who... Who are... My Enemies...? My enemies are the ones after my life... My enemies are the ones that are after my life and the ones that toy with my life... They're all my enemies. Chang Wufei: Stay calm if you want to live a little longer. Duo Maxwell: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • We don't stand a chance unless something pretty drastic happens. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Chang Wufei: I'm doing everything I can just in case that something drastic does happen. Heero Yuy: Life is cheap, especially mine. Heero Yuy: I think they like you better. Heero Yuy: I kill crazy people. Heero Yuy: In that case I've got one warning. It hurts like hell. Heero Yuy: Mission accomplished. Heero Yuy: Do as you like, it's your country. Heero Yuy: I'm not a pacifist. Heero Yuy: Of course I can. I am a Gundam pilot, after all. Heero Yuy: I don't believe in God. Heero Yuy: I'm not involved. Heero Yuy: I will survive! Heero Yuy: I'll destroy you. Heero Yuy: There's nothing wrong with acting on your emotions. At least, that's what I was told. Heero Yuy: Assumptions lead to mistakes. Duo Maxwell: Hey, Wufei, I'm lonely. Keep me company till the end. Duo Maxwell: Duo, Duo Maxwell. I may run and hide, but I'll never tell a lie. Yeah, that's me in a nut shell. Duo Maxwell: In a case like this, anyway you look at it, you're the bad guy. You're not hurt, are you, miss? Duo Maxwell: For a quiet boy, you put on quite a show. Duo Maxwell: I am the God of death! Duo Maxwell: But, I'm a boy. Duo Maxwell: You'd better come up with a better way to kill yourself than that. Duo Maxwell: Anyone who sees me has a date with his maker. Duo Maxwell: Maaan, I'm going to have nightmares over this one. Duo Maxwell: I'm not asking you to trust me or anything, but right now, I'm the only friend you've got. Duo Maxwell: Thanks for those missiles earlier, buddy. Now I'll return the favor. Duo Maxwell: [after watching Heero set his own leg] Ugh, I can't take much more of this. Duo Maxwell: Hey, wave back to them or something, they're cheering for us, Superstar! Duo Maxwell: Well she's not your average chick, wanting to see the guy who's trying to kill her. Duo Maxwell: But Mommy told me real men never scream out loud. Duo Maxwell: Damn! What a dinky way to kill us all off. Duo Maxwell: D'oh! This is such a lame way to die! This is so not cool! Trowa Barton: I have no name, but if you must call me something, it's Trowa, Trowa Barton. Trowa Barton: I know all about danger. I'm used to waking on a tight rope. Trowa Barton: Those who have laid eyes on a Gundam shall not live to tell about it. Trowa Barton: One should never give up till the end. Trowa Barton: So I will do what you have done. I'll simply follow my emotions. Trowa Barton: Yeah, it'll be my last grand stand show. Trowa Barton: So he wants to fight us again, does he? Sounds like this Zechs fellow is one hell of an admirable guy. Trowa Barton: Then I guess you'd better hurry up and figure out this guy. Trowa Barton: You're too weak. Trowa Barton: I will correct the mistakes brought on by your weakness. Trowa Barton: Damn it! Why is it that I have to keep fighting like this? Trowa Barton: The name is Trowa, Lieutenant. Trowa Barton: That was pretty fast... surprise, surprise. Trowa Barton: Catherine! Stay away from here! I'm going to self-detonate along with him! Trowa Barton: Hey, hey! Don't over do it or I'll have to blow you up Heero. Quatre Raberba Winner: There is nothing more valuable than life in this universe. Sandrock has taught me that. Quatre Raberba Winner: That's funny. It seems I have tears in my eyes... but I'm not one bit sad. Quatre Raberba Winner: Are you satisfied? Quatre Raberba Winner: Now I see, Heero's the soul of outer-space. Quatre Raberba Winner: They're violent and dangerous, but they're all really nice guys. Quatre Raberba Winner: Put your hands down. I was the first one to surrender and came out, remember? Quatre Raberba Winner: Cut it 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • out, you guys! Quatre Raberba Winner: Trowa! Outer space has gone crazy! Chang Wufei: I will determine justice! Chang Wufei: I am such a coward. Chang Wufei: Woman! Are you listening? Woman! Chang Wufei: Nataku, guide me down the right path. Chang Wufei: I don't kill women and children. Chang Wufei: Who the hell are you? Chang Wufei: I am Wufei. I won't run and hide until there's no-one left to fight. Chang Wufei: Destroy the enemy and there won't be any problem. Chang Wufei: I do not intend to fight. Now hurry up and retreat. Chang Wufei: You saw I was a boy, and you underestimated me. Chang Wufei: They're just so defenseless. Looks like they're not taking me seriously enough. Chang Wufei: I've got no right piloting the Nataku. Milliardo Peacecraft, aka Zechs Marquise: Zechs Marquise is dead. Dorothy: Death is a gift given at birth. Duo Maxwell: The god of death shall rise again but for now. I need some sleep... [Re: Heero Yuy] Duo Maxwell: He's antisocial and thinks he is Evel Knievel. [Re: Heero] Duo Maxwell: I don't know why I bother with this guy, he's anti social, thinks he's Evil Knievel and hardly ever talks. [to Treize Khushrenada] Milliardo Peacecraft: This friendship of the past will only last until my mask breaks. Quatre Raberba Winner: Outer space has lost all reason. That's why I'm gonna destroy everything. Trowa Barton: The five of us have become nothing more than redundant soldiers, Quatre. So now, let's accept it. Turn back into the nice guy I once knew. Chang Wufei: The ones who are right have to be strong. Zechs Merquise: Earth and space... the two exist together and form a pattern of confrontation. My name is Milliardo Peacecraft, I declare that we will eliminate the Earth the force that conflicts with space Narrator: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • With high expectations, human beings leave Earth to begin a new life in space colonies. However, the United Earth Sphere Alliance gains great military powers and soon seizes control of one colony after another in the name of *justice* and *peace.* The year is After Colony Operation Meteor: In a move to counter the Alliance's tyranny, rebel citizens of certain colonies scheme to bring new arsenals to the Earth, disguising them as shooting stars. However, the Alliance Headquarters catches on to this operation. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Heero is working on a computer sitting atop his Gundam] Heero Yuy: Insulation, section 2-6-0-0: repairs are possible. [Duo approaches from offscreen] Duo Maxwell: Hey, you! I'm callin' you! [Heero looks at Duo, then turns back to the computer screen] Duo Maxwell: You won't even acknowledge our help. Here I am, Mr. Niceguy, offerin' to fix your mobile suit with mine, but you just brush me right off. Heero Yuy: [continues typing] I don't want anybody touching my mobile suit. That's all, pal. Duo Maxwell: [with a mocking snort] Well, that's a joke: you haven't even got the parts. [Duo vaults onto the torso of the Gundam with a grunt and sits on the edge] Duo Maxwell: Even the best engineers in the world couldn't repair machines without the parts... Mechanics need parts for repairs, not like you with your leg. You see what I'm sayin'? Heero Yuy: [silence] [Continues working, apparently ignoring Duo] Duo Maxwell: [sighs heavily Starts muttering to himself and gets progressively louder] Why did I even bother rescuing this guy in the first place? He's antisocial, thinks he's Eval Knieval, and hardly speaks! [groans] Duo Maxwell: You've got such a gloomy personality, why don't you just give up and stop *pretending* to be human? Heero Yuy: [Ttrns to Duo] Hey! Duo Maxwell: What is it? You're too late if you think you're gonna ask for my help. Heero Yuy: Could you keep it down over there? Duo Maxwell: Yeah... Sure, forgive me for interrupting. [a notice alarm goes off in the cockpit of the Gundam. Heero drops in and pulls up a console while Duo leans inside] Duo Maxwell: What is it? Heero Yuy: I'm on call: an enemy carrier is transporting gundanium alloy. I'll see to it first thing in the morning. Duo Maxwell: *Hey!* You can't go anywhere with your machine in this shape! We're talkin' miracles, here! Heero Yuy: It's take a miracle for you, but I can handle it. Duo Maxwell: [stands up and begins walking away] Well, *excuse me* for being a *mere mortal*. Lucrezia Noin: Wait, don't fire! Tsuberov: What? Why? Chang Wufei: 'Cause she's a woman! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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