The Princess and the Goblin (1994)

  • 英国 日本
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  • 动画  奇幻
The Princess and the Goblin
  • 片       名The Princess an...
  • 上映时间1993年08月14日(荷兰)
  • 导       演 吉米斯·约瑟夫


  • Great Great Grandmother Irene: My name is Irene, and I'm your great-great grandmother. Princess Irene: I haven't got a great-great-great-great-grate-great grandmother. Princess Irene: [laughs] I'm not as great as all that. Princess Irene: You mustn't do that, you know what Looti's like. She's always worrying about straaaange stings. Looti, the Princess's Nanny: [somewhere else] Straaaaange things. You never know when they might happen. Looti, the Princess's Nanny: Oh these steps. [gasp] Looti, the Princess's Nanny: That's the trouble with castles [wheeze] Looti, the Princess's Nanny: there's too many blooming steps [gasp] Princess Irene: Let me give you a kiss to thank you. Curdie: [surprised] A kiss! [they lean in] Looti, the Princess's Nanny: Princess Irene what are you doing? Curdie: Princess! You never told me you where a princess! Princess Irene: You didn't ask. Princess Irene: Are you a ghost? Great Great Grandmother Irene: No, but I'm not real, either. Princess Irene: Are you some sort of... magic, then? Princess Irene: Goblins? Pets? Curdie: Sure, everyone knows about the goblins and their pets... except people from the castle. Princess Irene: Oh. Curdie: You're from the castle right? Princess Irene: Yes. Curdie: And you don't know the way back. Princess Irene: No. Curdie: Typical. Alright follow me. Great Great Grandmother Irene: [to Irene] There will come a time when you won't need me because you will have found your own magic. Princess Irene: She's here somewhere. She... she's just invisible at the moment. Curdie: Your grandmother is invisible? Princess Irene: Yes. But she is here, I know she is. Curdie: Look, I'm glad you rescued me, but I dont' have time to play games. Princess Irene: This isn't a game! Curdie: No, it's dead serious. The goblins have a plan and you're a part of it. We can't waste our time with invisible grandmothers. Princess Irene: You don't believe me, do you. Curdie: Well... I... Princess Irene: But I thought we were friends. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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