Project A-Ko Versus Battle 2: Blue Side (1990)

  • 日本
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  • 动画  喜剧
Project A-Ko Versus Battle 2: Blue Side
  • 片       名Project A-Ko Ve...
  • 导       演 Katsuhiko ...


  • Gail: This is the second time we've met. B-ko: It's you! Gail: Only two women have ever felt my touch. You're the only one to survive. [Maruten receives Mr. Kotobuki's distress message.] C-ko's Father: They're all dead! The dragon destroyed the Kotobuki fleet! A-ko: A dragon? Maruten: We're in hot pursuit of Gail now, there's no time for a rescue. A-ko: But we can't just leave them! Maruten: We have to stop Gail, before it's too late. [Sees C-ko's pretty young nanny on the screen.] Maruten: ... but there's time for a rescue. A-ko: Hypocrite! Gail: Lady Xena, we must now go to the Taiho Sector. C-ko: No! No! I wanna blow up more planets! Boom! Maruten: Warp drive is for primitive barbarians. In our distant past, my people constructed hyperspacial bypasses. A-ko: Is this safe? Maruten: Before I joined the Space Patrol, I wanted to be a racer! A-ko: Really? Maruten: In kindergarten! Maruten: A-ko, you're trapped in a tiny ship with an eligible bachelor. Doesn't it make you feel... romantic? A-ko: Dummy. Gail: I should have never trusted a woman. B-ko: Atomic Graviton Hammer! A-ko: Double Spiral Force! B-ko: Shakobini Comet! Leather Queen Follow-Up! A-ko: High-line Burrows Tutu Number One Kick! B-ko: Extra Electric Golden Massage! Gail: What are you looking at? B-ko: The shattered remains of planets. It's a terrible sight. Gail: What are the lives a billion heretics? B-ko: Most of them were fine people. Gail: That's just the problem. They work themselves to death just to get by. They put their trust in greedy leaders, who wage petty wars, and each side believes that THEY are the victims. They're pathetic creatures, heading farther down their own doomed path. Soon, all that will end, once we reach the Taiho Sector. You'll see more than just a few dying planets, the destruction of every universe in existence! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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