太空堡垒 (1984)

  • 日本
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  • 动画  科幻


  • [last lines] Misa Hayase: Just an old love song... [Hikaru tries to convince Minmay to sing to defeat the Zentradi] Lynn Minmay: You can't win a war by singing! Stay with me, if we're going to die anyway... Hikaru Ichijo: It's not just for us. It's for everyone onboard Macross. Lynn Minmay: That has nothing to do with us! Why aren't we the only two in the universe? I wish everyone would die except you and me! [Hikaru slaps Minmay, as a panoply of war's destruction plays across the screen.] Hikaru Ichijo: Sempai died. Kakizaki died. So many have died. They had plans for peace. You can still sing, can't you? [An explosion blows off an armored shutter behind Hikaru and Minmay. They watch, horrified, as a Valkyrie fighter is blown to pieces in front of them.] Lynn Minmay: I'm sorry, Hikaru. I don't know what came over me. I chose to become a singer. If I don't now, my mother and father's spirits will never forgive me. Me, I'll sing with all my heart! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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