"Animorphs" (1998)

  • 加拿大 美国
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  • 科幻


  • advertisement Marco: So now what? Save the world? [looks around] Marco: Can we eat first? [Jake is inside a tiger's cage, ready to acquire its DNA] Cassie: When you acquire its DNA, it'll go into a trance. Marco: What about the moment before the trance when it rips his arm off? Jake Berenson: Yeah. Cassie: [approaching zoo] This is where mom works with all the exotic animals. Marco: Exotic... Like weird chickens and stuff? [Marco complains that he gets all the lame morphs] Marco: Why can't you be the duck for once? Jake Berenson: Because I can't afford the bill Marco: You'd better let me handle the jokes. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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