
  • Nancy Archer: Missed me? Harry Archer: I don't suppose you want to hear my side of this? Co-pilot #1: It doesn't seem right to fire an air-to-ground missile at a woman. Pilot #1: Don't think of her as a woman. Think of her as a target. That's what I do. Louise 'Honey' Parker: Dead? She's not only alive, she's bigger! What did you do, try to kill her with a Grow Lite? Nancy Archer: The world is my doll house, Dr. Cushing. Nancy Archer: I'm not saying the old Nancy isn't there. I can still hear her inside me, stumbling in the dark, bumping into things, always apologizing. But less and less. Less and less. [Dr. Loeb sees the giant Nancy for the first time] Dr. Victor Loeb: This is impossible. Nancy Archer: Well, that certainly takes a load off my mind. I thought I had a problem. Harry Archer: What made her grow like that? Dr. Victor Loeb: You menctioned that she began growing when she got angry. Clearly it's stress related. The blood tests show that her hormone levels are abnormally high. Harry Archer: Congratulations, Doctor. You've just discovered a new kind of PMS. Dr. Victor Loeb: What will she do if she finds him? Dr. Theodora Cushing: Ball him up like a used Kleenex. Nurse: Good. Harry Archer: You were sad before, but now you're just a big joke. If only you knew half of what Honey Parker knows about how to be a real woman. Nancy Archer: Insect! Tick! I offer you a landscape and you cling to a glass doorknob! Harry Archer: She was better in bed that you ever were. She's even better than your cousin Vera. Nancy Archer: Vera? You slept with Vera? I'll kill her, but first, I'm going to pop your head like a Concord grape! Nancy Archer: Don't be stupid your whole damn life. You're better than they are, you're smarter than they are, and you know more than you think. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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