
  • Chalmers: Okay, what did you do to this? Wolff: Emergency repair procedure number one. Chalmers: You kicked it? Wolff: What the hell are you? Nicki: What do you think I am, you scrawny earthbag? I'm a woman! Chemist: Are they missing any limbs? I hate it when they have missing limbs. Overdog: [Nicki has survived The Game, a maze full of lethal hazards] Congratulations!, you made it through! Overdog: You have a very enviable life force, a life force you're going to share with me. Nicki: But... you said if I made it through, I'm free. [There is a pause, and the Overdog grins evilly] Overdog: I lied, nobody goes free! Chemist, prepare the Fusion Tube! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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