迭魔惊潮 (1969)

  • 英国
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  • 科幻
  • 片       名迭魔惊潮
  • 上映时间1969年10月08日(英国)
  • 导       演 Robert Par...


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  • David Poulson 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Does our side have anything like this? Mark Neuman: We do now. Jason Webb: When are you going to nail him? Mark Neuman: That depends on how much rope we give him, Jason Webb: Lisa! This access restriction, it must be widened. Lisa Hartmann: To whom? Jason Webb: Hassler, Doctor Hassler! Mark Neuman: You're serving up information on a plate. To our prime suspect. Jason Webb: That's my responsibility. Your responsibility is this! IF he shows his hand, I don't want an arrest. Understood? Mark Neuman: Understood. Jason Webb: You are going to sit there and watch me take a man for one billion dollars. John Kane: The words of an egotistical megalomaniac. Jason Webb: Remind me to be as charitable to you when one of your rockets blows up on the pad. Glenn Ross: You know when a rocket is ready, but you don't know when a man is ready, Kane isn't. Jason Webb: I know more about human nature than anyone else here at EuroSEC. That's why I am in this office. John Kane: I could grow attached to those. Dr. Pontini: That's the idea. Now you can be hooked up to the heart, lung, and kidney machine during flight. With sedation, you'll sleep, three weeks there, and three weeks back. John Kane: That part I'm looking forward to. Jason Webb: Are you telling me that you don't know anyone here? Your wife? Lisa? Neuman? Col. Glenn Ross: Only their Doppelgangers. Jason Webb: I've been thinking John, about the second astronaut to accompany Ross. John Kane: Well Bogemann is the obvious choice, or Mitchell. Jason Webb: If we want just an astronaut, I agree. John Kane: But? Jason Webb: It occurs to me, that we need someone more flexible. John Kane: Well they're trained to be- Jason Webb: I mean, in terms of knowledge. Someone who could take full advantage of any findings on the new planet, no matter how bizarre or unusual they happen to be. John Kane: You mean an astrophysicist. (a beat) Me? Jason Webb: The idea doesn't appeal to you? John Kane: You must be joking! Jason Webb: It'll grow on you. [Preparing for hibernation] Col. Glenn Ross: See you in three weeks. Dr. John Kane: Let's hope the alarm goes off. Col. Glenn Ross: It'd better, you made it. Desk Sergeant: Your pen, Doctor Hassler. Doctor Hassler: Sorry, 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Sergeant. [removes pen from pocket and hands to sergeant] Doctor Hassler: (joking) Now my plan is ruined. You see, this is not a pen at all. It's a "secret camera". Desk Sergeant: Better luck next time, Doctor. Lisa Hartmann: That was a penny for your thoughts. If they are as confused as mine, perhaps sharing them will help? Glenn Ross: Did you say a penny? Well, it's a buyer's market. Lisa Hartmann: Sharon has left? Glenn Ross: Yeah. You know, in way she left a long time ago. Jason Webb: We discover a NEW planet! In OUR OWN solar system! Military and scientific implications BEYOND comprehension! We ask our *friends*, for a *few* dollars, and it's "No Go!". David Poulson: One *billion* dollars, Jason. Jason Webb: Cheap at TWICE the price! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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