飞碟入侵地球 (1956)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 科幻  奇幻
  • 片       名飞碟入侵地球
  • 上映时间1956年08月01日
  • 导       演 Fred F. Se...
  • 剧       情
    一个文化误会导致美国对前来拜访的外星游客开了火,继而引发了一场全面战争。作为报复,这些ET们向地球发射了猩猩大便一样的炮弹还有死光。小心,小绿人们来了。 警告!注意隐蔽!飞碟入侵地球!华盛顿、伦敦、巴黎、莫斯科,开始还击! 更强大一些的火力和更整洁一些的太空船让这些外来者处于优势...


  • Russell Marvin: [into tape recorder] July 16, to Internal Security Commission, re: Sky Hook. Summary and progress report, from project director, Dr. Russell A. Marvin. Carol Marvin: And Mrs. Dr. Russell A. Marvin, without whose inspiration and untiring criticism this report could never have been written. Russell Marvin: Married two hours and already she's claiming community property! [directs his attentions to her neck] Carol Marvin: Now that you're married, Dr. Marlowe, you don't have to sneak up on me. Russell Marvin: You always did have eyes in the back of your head. Carol Marvin: Besides, it's not safe when we're driving. Russell Marvin: But pretty... Carol Marvin: I thought intellectual giants were supposed to be backwards and shy. Russell Marvin: My third-grade teacher, Miss Hickey, said I was a quick study. Carol Marvin: You're starting something you're not going to be able to finish. Russell Marvin: [sighs] Yeah. Yeah, today I've got a hot date with a three-stage rocket. Gen. Edmunds: When an armed and threatening power lands uninvited in our capitol, we don't meet him with tea and cookies! Dr. Russell Marvin: Both Carol and I are subject to the same atmospheric disturbances that may have affected other observers, but there is a qualitative difference, when you're a scientist. Alien: People of Earth, attention. This is a voice speaking to you from thousands of miles beyond your planet. Look to your sun for a warning. Brig. Gen. John Hanley: As you were, Sergeant. Sgt. Nash: Unidentified Flying Object reported flying due West, sir. Probably a buzzard. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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