Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961)

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Snow White and the Three Stooges


  • Queen: You needn't make it sound as if I enjoy annihilating children. I only do it when it's unavoidable. [hawking an all-purpose "medicine" called Yuk] Moe: Become the envy of your friends. Surprise your wife. You, lady, grow a beard and surprise your husband! [The Stooges come upon Snow White sleeping in the Seven Dwarves' cottage] Curly-Joe: The dwarves must lend this place to everybody. Moe: You can count on us. Larry: Come what may. Curly-Joe: Ad infinitum. Curly-Joe: I wish there were more of us. And prettier. Moe: At ease, young man. Larry: Salutations. Curly-Joe: Ad infinitum. Snow White: I love you just as you are, all three of you. Larry: Gee. Only our mother ever said that without laughing in our faces. Snow White: Aren't you going to kiss my hand? Curly-Joe: I always say it with flowers. [gives her a flower] Snow White: Only one? Curly-Joe: I get tongue-tied. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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