电影网>影片资料馆>即将上映影片>Pippin: His Life and Times



Charlemagne: Sometimes I wonder if the fornicating I'm getting is worth the fornicating I'm getting. Charlemagne: Your brother Luis is an ideal soldier: he is strong and stupid. Berthe: Sometimes I think men raise flags when they can't get anything else up. The leading player: Look at her, Pippin! She has a mole! You're willing to spend the rest of your life with a woman who has a MOLE! The leading player: Think about the sun, Pippin... think about her golden glance. How she lights the world up - well, now it's your chance! With the guardians of splendor inviting you to dance... Pippin. Think about the sun. Fastrada: When I help others, I'm really helping myself! The leading player: Lewis is strong. Lewis loves fighting. Lewis loves wrestling. But most of all, Lewis loves Lewis. The leading player: Sweet summer evenings, sapphire skies, feasting your belly, feasting your eyes. Simple joys have a simple voice that says time is living's prize. And wouldn't you rather be a left-handed flea, a crab on a slab at the bottom of the sea, a newt on the root of a banyan tree, a fig on twig in Galilee, than a man who never learns how to be free? Pippin: GLORY'S IN THE AIR! GLORY'S IN THE AIR! AND WHAT AM I DOING? I'm running around in a dark stage like an Idiot. The leading player: You're supposed to read the line "naggingly!" Catherine: He put his hand on my thigh, they've never done that before ... The leading player: I don't care where he puts his hand! Catherine: Do you feel you compromised your dream? Pippin: No. Catherine: How do you feel? Pippin: Trapped. Which isn't bad for the end of a musical comedy. Pippin: I know this is a musical comedy, but I want my life to have meaning! Pippin: (Song lyrics) Rivers belong where they can ramble/ Eagles belong where they can fly/ I've got to be where my spirit can run free/ Gotta find my corner of the sky. [after a seemingly incinerated man steps forward unharmed] Pippin: That's the finale? It was just a trick. The leading player: Well, when he did it, it was a trick. When you do it, it'll be real. The leading player: And then it happened. Suddenly, shamelessly, and without warning, as it must in all musical comedies, they were struck by... a love song.

Pippin: His Life and Times

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