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  • Vera Charles: I'm thrilled by the style and wit of each jest that you make. It's bracing to me. Trade quips with my bosom buddy. You Woolcott, you Benchley, you snake. Vera Charles: Oh my God. Somebody's been sleeping in my dress. Peter: [after Patrick and Pegeen say he can't go to Siberia with Mame] You know what your problem is mom? You don't Live Live LIVE! Life is a Banquet and most sons of bitches are starving to death! Patrick: Can I slide down the banister? Mame: Well, why not. Patrick: My father would never let me. Mame: That's too bad. You must come from a dreadful family. Patrick: I only have one relative in the whole world. Mame: Oh, really, dear? And who is that? Patrick: You. Agnes: That's right. Mame: Who are you? Agnes: Agnes Gooch. Mame: That's impossible. You aren't coming until tomorrow. Your telegram clearly said December 1, and this is November And everyone knows that thirty days hath September, April, June, and Nov - . Oh my GOD. I'm your Auntie Mame. Doris: Mame, you'll never believe this, but this part of the house used to be an old slave kitchen (black maid walks in). Oh there you are Bertha. Bertha, this is Mame Dennis. Bertha is one in a million. We don't know what we'd do without her, do we Claude? She's so nice... most of them are getting so snotty these days. Doris: Now we all know about these women things, don't we.Come down here and sit beside me. (Heavily pregnant Agnes sits down)Now, what's your name dear? Agnes: Gooch. Doris: And what does Mr. Gooch do? Agnes: Oh, my father passed on. Doris: No no, I meant your husband. Agnes: I'm a bachelor girl. My baby is going to be a little bas... Vera: I have an astronomical discovery for you. The man in the moon is a bitch. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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