
出场开赛 (1949) 6.7

Take Me Out to the Ball Game 更多片名>

1949-03-09(美国)| 喜剧 经典 运动| 美国
上映时间:1949-03-09(美国) 类型: 喜剧 经典 运动
获奖信息:美国编剧工会奖(1950年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

The Wolves baseball team gets steamed when they find they've been inherited by one K.C. Higgins, a suspected "fathead" who intends t...更多>


Eddie O'Brien: How many times have I told you to pick on somebody your size? Dennis Ryan: There ain't nobody my size. Eddie O'Brien: I've been behaving like an idiot, haven't I? K.C. Higgins: Yes, you have. Shirley Delwyn: [to Dennis Ryan] You bad boy, I've got a good notion to take you on my knee. Eddie O'Brien: You mean over your knee, don't you? Shirley Delwyn: I know what I mean. Eddie O'Brien: Oh, Miss Higgins! You're the prettiest manager in baseball. K.C. Higgins: You're certainly the prettiest shortstop.


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