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The Man Who Wouldn't Die

The Man Who Wouldn't Die (1942) 6.5

1942-04-27(美国)| 灾难| 美国
上映时间:1942-04-27(美国) 类型: 灾难
评分: 力荐


advertisement Anna Wolff: [offering a drink] Would you care for something to warm you up? Catherine Wolff: I was on the wagon, but I'll think I'll step off and give my seat to a gentleman. Catherine Wolff: I'm engaged! Dudley Wolff: Engaged? What, again! Catherine Wolff: Well, I'm not engaged exactly. You see, I'm more than engaged really. Dudley Wolff: How can you be more than engaged? Catherine Wolff: I'm married! Dudley Wolff: Oh, well... Make up your mind! Catherine Wolff: Now, you'll have to get some clothes and a toothbrush. Michael Shayne: Ah, no, no! Not Michael Shayne and Company! His office is in his hat, and [motioning to a suitcase in the back seat] Michael Shayne: his home is in his car. Michael Shayne: [Referring to Wolff and his money] Beneath all those millions beats a heart of ice... dry ice! Michael Shayne: [referring to Wolff] He's a pretty tough old cookie! Catherine Wolff: Oh, don't be so hard on him. He's really very sweet. Michael Shayne: Oh, yeah? Well, so's arsenic! I understand it tastes just like sugar! Michael Shayne: [amazed at the size of the bathroom] DeMille have something to do with this? Michael Shayne: Say, what do you use for brains - feathers? Alfred Dunning: [after being caught eavesdropping at the door] I'm Dunning, Mr. Wolff's secretary. If I can be of any service, please let me know. Michael Shayne: I'll send up a flare. Michael Shayne: [after Dunning leaves] Who's that - Dumbo? Catherine Wolff: Oh, no, Dunning. Well, he's been with Dad 25 years. I wouldn't worry about him. Michael Shayne: [dryly] Oh, I'm not worried. He was just wandering by and got his ear caught in the door. Catherine Wolff: Well, Dad hates the idea that some day he's going to die - simply can't stand it! Michael Shayne: [laconically] Somebody must have told him the good die young. Michael Shayne: [talking to a lab skeleton] Have a cigarette, Mr. Bones? Michael Shayne: [speaking in the skeleton's voice while moving the jaw] Don't care if I do. Michael Shayne: I saw your lips move. Michael Shayne: [Recovering from a jolt of electricity] Is my face changed? Catherine Wolff: You do look sort of funny. Michael Shayne: Well, there's no change then. Chief Jonathan Meek: First case I ever covered where they had the butler show you the body. Phillips, the Butler: Follow me. Chief Jonathan Meek: [awed by the size of the house] If I owned this, I'd subdivide it. Coroner Tim Larson: What a beautiful funeral parlor this would make! Chief Jonathan Meek: Make a better courthouse. Chief Jonathan Meek: [referring to Peggy, the cook, a former girlfriend] She's been sore at me ever since I took her to that Halloween dances last year. Michael Shayne: Yeah? Chief Jonathan Meek: Yeah, she forgot her mask. All I said was "You don't need one." Women's funny ctitters! Michael Shayne: [laconically] You know I can't understand why she should be sore.

The Man Who Wouldn't Die

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