
  • Spenser: Because you're on the board of the Port City Theater, and because the director thinks he's being stalked, I have to endure two hours of lousy drama? Susan Silverman: No. Because Jimmy Christopholous is a friend, because you are my honey, because sleuthing is your business, and because you will enjoy the ultimate theater party for two this evening. Susan Silverman: Do you know how much this means to me? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Spenser 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [pause] : Damn! Susan Silverman: I'll double your usual fee. Spenser: Remind me, what is my usual fee? Susan Silverman: Two nights of ecstasy. Spenser: So double would be four. Payable in thirty days? Susan Silverman: I'll halve the time. Four nights of ecstasy in two weeks. Deal? Spenser: Deal. Susan Silverman: Sucker. Spenser: What, am I charging enough? Susan Silverman: You're charging enough... but you'd've gotten it anyway. Spenser: I know. Spenser: Hey, I'm willing to tell you all I know. Chief DeSpain: You haven't told me squat. Spenser: True, but it's all I know. Chief DeSpain: Well, you learn anything, you dash right on in and tell us about it. 'Cause we're fightin' crime up here, day and night. Jocelyn Colby: [meeting Spenser] Way to go, Susan! Hunk city! [She leaves.] Spenser: You think she has designs on me sexually? Susan Silverman: Almost certainly. Spenser: Because I'm hunk city? Susan Silverman: Because you're male. Spenser: This may not be a routine murder. Most murders don't happen in a crowded theater. Spenser: So the killing might be connected to the play, so I need someone to... tell me what the play was about. Lou Montana: Ahem. Lou Montana. I directed. And, uh, your question is absurd. Spenser: No; an actor getting shot on stage wearing tights while singing "Land of Love" is absurd. Lou Montana: Ah. And what was your response to the play? Spenser: I found it a pretentious mishmash about appearance and reality. Lou Montana: Well, art isn't "about" [makes air quotes] Lou Montana: anything. It *is* movement and speech in space and time. Spenser: Thank you! Lou Montana: I didn't expect you'd understand. Spenser: Me either. Spenser: Could you arrange for me to have lunch with her? Susan Silverman: I'm not sure she'd be willing to meet with you. Spenser: Mention to her about me being hunk city! Susan Silverman: That ought to do it. Spenser: [narrating] Rikki Wu was sex. She was spoiled, self-centered, shallow, maybe cruel, certainly careless about other people. But she was sex. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Lonnie Wu 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : It is unseemly for her to be having lunch with a lo fan. Spenser: Is "lo fan" a term of racial endearment? Lonnie Wu: It means "barbarian". Someone who is not Chinese. Spenser: So you don't fully subscribe to the melting-pot theory? Lonnie Wu: I'm not here to make small talk. It would be best if you stayed out of Port City. Spenser: Is it okay if I retain my U.S. citizenship? Lonnie Wu: What you choose to do outside of Port City is your business. But if you choose to come back, we will make it our business, and I will not be able to protect you. Spenser: Protect me from whom? Lonnie Wu: From me. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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