乱世英杰 (1936)

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    着名导演塞西尔.B.戴米尔执导,网罗当时红星加里.库珀和琪恩.阿瑟加盟,故事讲述加里.库珀扮演的西部硬汉Wild Bill Hickok成功阻止印第安族人在白人枪手挑唆下的暴动,同时与琪恩.阿瑟在大漠荒野谱写了一曲浪漫爱情故事。


  • Wild Bill Hickok: What started you on the warpath, Yellow Hand? Yellow Hand: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Where sun rise, white man's land. Where sun set, Indian land. White man come, take our land, kill buffalo, our food. White man promise us food. White man lie. Now Cheyenne buy white man thunder stick. Soon war drum sound in all Indian land. All tribes ride with Yellow Hand. We drive white man, like buffalo, away back to rising sun. Yellow Hand has spoken. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Tony: Hey, why don't you get a haircut? Wild Bill Hickok: Short hair makes the Indians mad, and they're mad enough already. Louisa Cody: Will, does he kill like that? Buffalo Bill Cody: Ain't a corpse-maker like him, honey! Wild Bill Hickok: That river clipper is saying good-bye to you, ma'am. Now you're going to have three long days of this prairie clipper. Louisa Cody: But tomorrow is Sunday. Do we have to ride on Sunday? Wild Bill Hickok: Well, there's no Sunday west of Junction City, no law west of Hayes City and no God west of Carson City. [last lines] Epilogue: It shall be as it was in the past... Not with dreams, but with strength and with courage... Shall a nation be molded to last. Wild Bill Hickok: Keep your hands off your guns or there will be more dead men here than this town can afford to bury! John Lattimer: I'm not armed, Mr. Hickok, I'm not armed! Wild Bill Hickok: I'll give you three minutes to fix that. I'll be waiting outside. John Lattimer: I'm just leaving town. Wild Bill Hickok: You're not leaving town unless dead men can walk. Wild Bill Hickok: This is a big country and trails cross... sometimes. Calamity Jane: Tip your hat when you speak to a lady! Wild Bill Hickok: I will... when I speak to a lady. Calamity Jane: Bill Hickok, you ornery son-of-a-mule. You wouldn't give a bad dime to a sick kid, would you? Wild Bill Hickok: You might be right, Calamity. Calamity Jane: No, I ain't. I know I ain't worth a bad dime. Wild Bill Hickok: Son, one of these days, you're going to grow up and you ought to know about women. You see, the thing is this - women are... uh, well, they're uh... Well, son, I can tell you what an Indian will do to ya, but you never know what a woman will do. Wild Bill Hickok: It's easier sliding up Niagara Falls than it is to understand a woman. Calamity Jane: You're a mule-headed man, Bill Hickok. Wild Bill Hickok: Women and me don't agree Wild Bill Hickok: Hey! Your toothpick is on fire! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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