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Custer of the West
- 片 名Custer of the W...
- 上映时间1967年12月22日(芬兰)
- 导 演
Robert Shaw
饰Gen. George A...
Mary Ure
饰Elizabeth Cus...
Ty Hardin
饰Maj. Marcus R...
Jeffrey Hunter
饰Capt. Benteen
Lawrence Tierney
饰Gen. Philip S...
Marc Lawrence
饰The gold mine...
Gen. Philip Sheridan:
You know, you could become a living legend... or get yourself killed. Dead men make better legends.
Gen. Philip Sheridan:
If there's any doubt about the policy of my command, I'll give it to you in one sentence: The only good Indian is a dead Indian. Clear enough?
[addressing Custer]
Gen. Philip Sheridan:
I didn't recognize you without your horse.
Gen. George Armstrong Custer:
I'll make it very simple for you. The fact that we seem to be pushing you clear off the earth is not my responsibility. The problem is precisely the same as when you Cheyenne decided to take another tribe's hunting ground. You didn't ask them about their rights. You didn't care if they had been there a thousand years. You just had more men and more horses. You destroyed them in battle. You took what you wanted. And right or wrong, for better or worse, that is the way things seem to get done. That's history. I'm talking about history. You are a militarily defeated people. You are paying the price for being backward.
Gen. George Armstrong Custer:
War isn't just killing, you know. It's a contest. It's a man against a man.
[indicates a Gatling gun]
Gen. George Armstrong Custer:
That's a machine! Personal courage wouldn't count. Honor, duty, loyalty - everything a soldier lives by - would be wiped out. All you would have left is statistics. How many men would the machine murder today? One hundred? One thousand? Ten thousand? If this is the future, I don't want any part of it.