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  • Chester 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : My name is Chester, I'm great, I'm wonderful! Everybody likes me! Redneck: Hey, Chester. My name's Harland, and to me you look like a giant asshole. Chester: Well, if I'm an asshole there's a reason for it. You're contagious! Matthew: No, he's not a stranger. He's just strange. Chester: You've got to change your behavior. Matthew: Oh and what'd I do? Chester: What'd you do? A girl doesn't give the opposing team the finger and tell their coach, "Up yours!" A girl doesn't refer to the referee a blind bastard. A girl doesn't slap another girl on the ass and say, "You're hot stuff!" And a girl doesn't say "I gotta take a leak so bad I can taste it!" Chester: Women are a beautiful bed of flowers. [punk girl walks by] Chester: Of course there's a weed here and there. Chester: I dressed her son up like a girl, and invited him to play with me. Chester: Coach Bull huh? I know your full name! Chester: I finally got some respect! Chester: We have a chance. Like a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. Chester: Get in the car quick! These heels are killing me! Chester: What is this? A drag race! Chester: What's the point in being the best, if it only brings out your worst? Chester: Well, you know how it is - boys want to be girls, girls want to be boys. Sometimes they're both. [opposing team scores first goal within 15 seconds of whistle] Chester: Wow! The only thing quicker than that is when I'm having sex! Dr. Von Kemp: Remember when you get a job make sure your boss is taller than you. That way it's easier to kiss his ass. Chester: I read a book once, "100 Ways to Make Love." I ended up in traction, it was a misprint! Chester: I'm off to a great stop. [coaching the girls practicing] Chester: Try and control the ball! Forget the ball, try and stay on your feet! Get out of the net, you're not a fish! Pester, you're in a different time zone! Oh beautiful, beautiful! [looks up at the sky] Chester: Why me? Why me? [Chester is helping Matthew adjust his wig in a dressing room while a lady outside eavesdrops] Chester: Just remember, we gotta be careful. I don't want your mother to find out, she'll kill me. Matthew: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • God, I can't believe I'm doing this! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Chester: Don't worry, I'll be finished soon. Matthew: Ow! Take it easy, that hurts! Chester: Don't worry, if it's too tight you'll get used to it. Chester: What a lady. When she walks in a room, mice jump on chairs. At Christmas they hang her and kiss the mistletoe. I tell ya if she went to a dog show, she'd win. Chester: Two-story house. Yeah before you buy it they give you one story, after you move in you get another story. Chester: I've never saw such beautiful landscaping. Looks like all the trees threw up. Matthew: We get along great, we laugh together, we like the same music, the same sports, we get along just great. Soda Shop Counterman: Then what's the problem? Matthew: She don't know I'm a boy. Coach Bull: If you were in my army, I would have you on latrine duty! Chester: Hoo! Smells like I'm there now. Julie: You know anything about soccer? Chester: Not much, all I know is I got a lotta balls! Chester: Julie, look at what you're eating, I thought you were getting in shape. What happened to the weight lifting class? Julie: Oh I'm doing good. I mean this is heavy. Julie: Now he's kissing the daughter's ass. Chester: He's playing like a psycho, he's nuts! Julie: Looks like Norman Bates is playing soccer. Chester: Hey, after the game no showers. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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