毕氏二虎 (1968)

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  • Pop Chaney: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You see, there things a man ought never do - spit in church, scratch his self in front of his ma, and pick his nose. Yes that's what my pa learned me and it stood me in good step. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mace Bishop: I don't imagine your pa ever mentioned shooting people, and burning their house down, and stealing, and things like that? Pop Chaney: Well, I'm talking about mannerly things Mr. Bishop. I ain't talking about making a living. Mace Bishop: Why do you ride with men like these? Dee Bishop: Oh, I don't know. I just got used to it, I guess, through the years. You begin one way, you keep going that way, and pretty soon there's no other way. Maria Stoner: I thought he was your friend? Dee Bishop: He is, but that don't make him any less disgusting. You take Pop, for instance. He was due to be shot the day he was born. And that heart of his is nothing more but a festering sore. Dee Bishop: To tell you the truth... Mace Bishop: Yeah, yeah, liars always start that way. Dee Bishop: [incredulous] You robbed a bank? You, Mace? Mace Bishop: Well, Dee, the bank was there... and I was there... and there wasn't very much of anybody else there... and it just seemed like the thing to do. Y'know, it's not like you didn't - something you never heard of. Lots of people rob banks for all sorts of different reasons. Dee Bishop: [bemused] You just walked into a bank and helped yourself to ten thousand dollars 'cause it seemed like the thing to do? Mace Bishop: That's about the way it was, yeah, as, as well as I can remember, yeah. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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