The Violent Men (1955)

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The Violent Men
  • 片       名The Violent Men
  • 上映时间1955年01月26日(美国)
  • 导       演 Rudolph Ma...


  • [No one attends Wade Matlock's funeral] John Parrish: Matlock wasn't the kind to have any friends after he was dead. Judith Wilkison: Why do you set yourself apart from everyone else? Judith Wilkison: Either you're too good to be true or you're clever and careful and I don't like clever and careful people. John Parrish: You're trying to pick a fight with me, why? Lee Wilkison: In this country it's good manners to accept a man's liquer. John Parrish: I don't drink. Lee Wilkison: You're a lier. Lee Wilkison: Here in Archer we don't pay much attention to that hogwash about the meek inheriting the earth. John Parrish: My stock alone's worth more. Lee Wilkison: We don't figure that way. We figure what it's worth to get off the land without fights. Lee Wilkison: I don't know how you can be married to me so long and not know my way of doing business. Maybe that's what I like about you. Martha Wilkison: Yes I needed you but not for the reason you think. Martha Wilkison: I've lived with half a man for 12 years. I have myself and him. I've played the part of a loving wife when i can't bear the touch of his hands. Martha Wilkison: You know Captain for a couple of moments I thought you were going to turn out to be a real human afer all with a temper, pride, everything. John Parrish: I said I didn't want any heroes on my payroll didn't I. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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