
  • George Fury: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Now wait a minute, Melody. You ain't got to be no dumber than necessary. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Melody Jones: That would make me somebody, wouldn't it? George Fury: Get your dumb thumb out of my eye! Melody Jones: I was just trying to see if you was dead. George Fury: Well, I ain't! And I don't like someone trying to gouge my eye out. George Fury: Look Melody, you couldn't hit the hind end of your horse with a handful of buckshot and you know it. And you ain't a gunfighter, that's all. You ain't even a good shot. You're just a plain no good bronc stomper that's been hit in the seat of the pants so many times.... George Fury: You always want to shoot them in their right eye. It spoils their aim. George Fury: Who is it? Melody Jones: That used to be Packard, the Express Company fella. George Fury: Well that cinched the duck! Now they got a corpus delicti! Melody Jones: A what? George Fury: A dead body! That's the way the law says it. Corpus delicti. Means that if they got a corpse, you're delicti! Before this, even if they hung ya, we could have proved it was a mistake. Melody Jones: But you don't want to forget: when a posse makes a mistake, it's a mighty hard thing to unmake. Melody Jones: Pa gave me a piece of advice that ain't never failed me yet. Son, he says, if you ever fool around with a woman, always hide a dollar in the toe of your boot and you'll come out a dollar to the good. That is, Pa says, if you keep your boots on. George Fury: Who is she? Melody Jones: I've never seen her before. George Fury: That time in Cheyenne when you was kicked in the head and you was missing four days... are you sure you didn't marry somebody while you was out of your head? Melody Jones: I wasn't that far out of my head! Melody Jones: If there's anything in the world I like, it's getting saved from being shot. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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