American Empire (1942)

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American Empire
  • 片       名American Empire
  • 上映时间1942年12月11日(美国)
  • 导       演 William C....


  • advertisement Paxton Bryce: At least we had some excitement when we owned the old Hattie T. Dan Taylor: Wasn't it your idea to swap her for this? Paxton Bryce: Yeah, but the whole set-up has changed! There was a war on - a man could make some real money. Or don't you remember? Dan Taylor: Oh, I remember all right. I remember getting a broadside from a Union gunboat amidships and taking splinters from my, um, hide for two weeks. Paxton Bryce: You got a hundred dollars for each splinter. Dan Taylor: That's right - in Confederate money! Dan Taylor: The war's over Pax. We can't start another one, just because you're restless. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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