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Bells of Capistrano

Bells of Capistrano (1942) 6.2

1942-09-15(美国)| 西部| 美国
上映时间:1942-09-15(美国) 类型: 西部
评分: 力荐


advertisement Frog Millhouse: I dreamed of steaks bigger and prettier than them once. Tadpole: Was they good? Frog Millhouse: I don't know. Just when I was about to eat them, I dreamed the dentist came in and pulled out all my teeth. Jennifer Benton: Tex, do you realize that it's nearly 6 o'clock? Tex North: Gee is it that late, honey? McCracken, are you a union man? Daniel McCracken: Union? No, but I'm an Elk. Tex North: Don't worry, boss. We won't quit til the job's finished!

Bells of Capistrano

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