Aces and Eights (1936)

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  • 片       名Aces and Eights
  • 上映时间1936年06月06日
  • 导       演 Sam Newfie...


  • advertisement [first lines] Narrator: Wild Bill Hickok was a gunfighter who almost triumphed over death. His gun was drawn, his thumb had cocked the hammer, his cards were neatly stacked. It held two pair. And so it was from then on, aces and eights were called "the death hand." Cast in the same mold was another who, unlike Wild Bill, never carried a six-shooter, preferring to let agile fingers do his talking. From the Missouri to the Rockies he was known as Gentleman Tim Madigan and the aces and eights that spelled death for Wild Bill wrote a different fate for Gentleman Tim. [first lines] Lucky: [rolls dice into his hand] Ah! Lucky day! Juanita Hernandez: It is indeed a lucky day for the house of Hernandez. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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