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Ride Ranger Ride

Ride Ranger Ride (1936) 4.8

1936-09-30(美国)| 西部| 美国
上映时间:1936-09-30(美国) 类型: 西部
评分: 力荐


advertisement [first lines] Texas Ranger Gene Autry: Well, boys, here's where Rufe and I leave you. Frog Millhouse: Aren't you goin' to San Antone with us? Texas Ranger Gene Autry: Nope. We're ridin' to Fort Adobe. I've been made a lieutenant in the United State cavalry. Frog Millhouse: What did they make out of you, Rufe? Rufe Jones: They made me plain sick to talkin' about Texas bein' better off without us rangers and givin' our jobs to the United States cavalry. Frog Millhouse: Well, hey, wait a minute! We've been discharged from the rangers. Why can't we be cavalrymen? Texas Ranger Gene Autry: Well, why not? Little Wolf: Black horses beat white horses. Rufe Jones: You'll full of loco weed, Indian. Little Wolf: Little Wolf know. Rufe Jones: You do, huh? [Rufe pats Frog on the shoulder] Rufe Jones: Bet his scalp against a pair of moccasins he beats the black horses. Little Wolf: Me takem bet. Frog Millhouse: Well, hey, what do I get out of this? Rufe Jones: You get to keep your hair if you win. Rufe Jones: Lieutenant, when you see Indians be careful - and when you don't see Indians, be more careful. Texas Ranger Gene Autry: I think you're walking into a trap. Lt. Bob Cameron: That's my responsibility, Autry. Rufe Jones: Sure, but we're with you! Col. Summerall: What have you to say for yourself, Autry? Texas Ranger Gene Autry: I'm positive the Indians were trying to draw us into an ambush. I only shot to prevent the one with the mirror from giving the signal. Col. Summerall: Did anyone see the Indians in ambush? Lt. Bob Cameron: No, sir. Rufe Jones: Didn't have to see 'em, Colonel. Indians don't carry mirrors to see how pretty they are. [Frog, Rufe and the former rangers stage a barroom brawl to get kicked out of the cavalry] Texas Ranger Gene Autry: You make a fine set of renegades. Rufe Jones: We feel as bad about it as you do, but there's no use crying over spilt whiskey. Texas Ranger Gene Autry: Goodbye, Colonel, and remember this - make your peace signals with one hand, and keep your rifles ready in the other. Texas Ranger Gene Autry: Just saddle our horses and trot 'em by in front of the guard house. Frog Millhouse: Horses? Rufe Jones: Yeah, horses. You know, the things you fall off of. [as Autry predicted, the Commanches attack the supply train] Rufe Jones: What do you think of your treaty now, Colonel? Col. Summerall: You were right, Autry, but remember you're still under sentence to be shot! Texas Ranger Gene Autry: Looks like we may be shot without sentence.

Ride Ranger Ride

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