The Squaw Man (1914)

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The Squaw Man


  • advertisement Lady Diana: If you are an honest man, you may kiss me goodbye. Nat-U-Rich: Me kill 'um. Captain James Wynnegate: [on death of Nat-U-Rich] Poor little mother! Lady Diana: Jim, I want you to go away for my sake! Big Bill: Come out West where people keep their hands in their own pockets. Captain James Wynnegate: I won't drink with a man who robbed the orphans of the King's soldiers! Lady Diana: We're going to find Jim and bring him home. Big Bill: Get a-goin', Bud, and don't stop to pick flowers! Captain James Wynnegate: I'm broke. Tell the boys I'll pay 'em somehow. Lady Diana: Whose little boy are you? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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