Day of the Evil Gun (1968)

  • 美国
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  • 片       名Day of the Evil...
  • 上映时间1968年03月01日
  • 导       演 Jerry Thor...


  • [during an cholera epidemic] Dr. Eli Prather: Don't talk to me, I'm busy killin' people. Dr. Eli Prather: You're dying, Richie. Don't fight it, boy, just let it come nice and easy. Owen Forbes: They're 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • deserters! Lorne Warfield: Well, is that a fact? Captain Jefferson Addis: Renegades is a better word. It implies a spirit of adventure. Desertion is cowardly. We're not that. Wilford: Think of violence. It's what I call an evil gun. I'll never know how one man can kill another. Lorne Warfield: What happened to my family? Where are they? Jimmy Noble: All I know is that the Apaches delivered them up for death. Lorne Warfield: What does that mean? Jimmy Noble: I don't know. Lorne Warfield: You ever kill a man? Owen Forbes: Why? Lorne Warfield: Well, suppose before this thing is over, you have to kill a few Indians? Owen Forbes: I'll manage. It's not the same thing as men gunning each other down in the middle of the street. Captain Jefferson Addis: I'll take the horse. Don't be a fool, Mr. Forbes. Turn around! Alive, you can still walk. Dead, you can only lay down. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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