The Last Round-up (1947)

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  • 片       名The Last Round-...
  • 上映时间1947年11月05日(美国)
  • 导       演 John Engli...


  • advertisement Smith: We're confronted with an unusual problem, Mr. Autry. While our population has almost doubled in population in the past five years our water supply has been steadily diminishing. The wells we've depended on would be inadequate under any circumstances, but now they're drying up. Mesa City must have additional water immediately, at any cost. Gene Autry: Well, assuming that the ranchers accept your proposition, what about the Indians? They have rights, too. Smith: Well, they'll be given other land, comparable in value up here. [Smith indicates a spot on a map] Gene Autry: Mr. Smith, I know that land in here pretty well. It wouldn't even make good brick. Gene Autry: Look, Mr. Smith, you can't even built this aquaduct unless all the ranchers sell their water rights. They may not be willing to sell unless they think the Indians are going to get a square deal. Smith: I see. And, ah, you're one of the ranchers, aren't you? Gene Autry: That's right. Smith: You sure you're not part Indian, too? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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