Desert Bandit (1941)

  • 美国
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  • 片       名Desert Bandit
  • 上映时间1941年05月24日(美国)
  • 导       演 George She...


  • advertisement [Tim shoots the gun out of Hawk's hand when the henchman tries to shoot Bob in the back] Tim Martin: Hello, Bob. Largo: [to Hawk] Aw, hold still. It's only a crease. Tim Martin: How do you like my new gun? Bob Crandall: Shoots right were you aim it, don't it. Sue Martin: Welcome, stranger! The years haven't changed you a bit. Bob Crandall: Years? Sue Martin: Since I saw you last, silly! Bob Crandall: I guess I asked for it, Sue, but they've been workin' us Rangers to the bone. Rustlers are so thick, they're ridin' two on a horse, so you see, I can't stay long. Bob Crandall: Look, kid, I'm on your side, but you got me aimin' in the dark. [Bob Crandall, working undercover, leads the Rangers to the gunrunning gang's wagons] Largo: We gotta get outta here in a hurry! Hatfield: What happened? Largo: We ran right into a trap set by Crandall. Hatfield: Crandall? Largo: He decided he'd rather be a Ranger. Smart kid. Hatfield: That's treachery! [Largo stumbles over the bag of loot Hatfield planned to steal from his fellow gang members] Largo: You almost got away with it, Hatfield! [Largo shoots the turncoat] Largo: I liked you, you skunk. [after a spectacular wagon wreck, Bob tries to help the injured Largo] Largo: Reach, Ranger! Bob Crandall: Alright, Largo, why don't you shoot? [Largo drops his gun] Largo: I guess we both got our limit of skunks tonight, kid. Let's call it quits. [last lines] Sue Martin: T-Bone, this is delicious. What is it? T-Bone: I ain't gonna tell you, Miss Sue. This is my own concoction. [Ordway rushes into the dining room] Bob Crandall: What happened to you? Ranger Ordway: Sorry to be late but somebody stole my horse. [the rangers all look disgustedly at their meat] Bob Crandall: T-bone! T-Bone: I-I didn't mean nothin' by it, Mister Bob! Bob Crandall: Then you did steal it! T-Bone: Yessir. I mean, no sir. That is, I just kinda borrowed it to get this here meat for the barbeque! [to Ordway] T-Bone: Your horse is right in the barn, sir. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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