The Return of Daniel Boone (1941)

  • 美国
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  • 片       名The Return of D...
  • 上映时间1941年05月07日(美国)
  • 导       演 Lambert Hi...


  • advertisement [Bill hands Cannonball a wad of cash to put in his safe] Cannonball: Land of piece of plenty! I never seen so many brand new folded pesos in all my life. Where'd you get all this, Bill? Bill Boone: That's the reward money for Mike Flanders. Cannonball: You sure did do a quick job of him. You know, Bill, I wish you had ventilated his two brothers at the same time. Bill Boone: No, Cannonball. Now that Mike is gone, Eddie and Lash will settle down and be good citizens. Cannonball: No, sir. The same blood in the same family and those two brothers of his are out to get you for shootin' Mike. Bill Boone: Well, out to get and gettin' is two different things. Leach Killgrain: I'm Killgrain. I own this place. Bill Boone: Boone is my name. Leach Killgrain: The grandson of Daniel Boone? I hear you take after him in lots of ways. Bill Boone: That's right... he was a peaceable man and so am I am. [Leach nods towards the two henchmen Bill has just beaten in a brawl] Leach Killgrain: Yeah, I noticed that. Bill Boone: Well, you look enough like Melinda to be her twin sister. Singer Matilda: That's what everyone thinks, but I'm older - I was born two minutes before Melinda was. Bill Boone: You folks seem to be jumpin' at conclusions - and each jump you make takes you farther from the truth. Bill Boone: Well, I am going to visit my dad. But first, I'm going to stop over and do a little hunting. Cannonball: Hunting? Now you're talking in my good ear. What are we going to hunt for? Bill Boone: Well, if we're lucky, we might bag ourselves a possum, a polecat and a couple of rattlesnakes. Only all these animals wear britches and pack guns. Ellen Brandon: What do you think we'd better do? Bill Boone: Well, I may be throwing a big loop, but there's still one chance. Ellen Brandon: What is it? Bill Boone: It's something I got to do alone. You can round up all your friends and ride into town and by the time you get there, I'll either have the proof we need, or you can get shovels and dig me a permanent home. Singer Matilda: Do you believe in love at first sight? Cannonball: I don't know woman, I never looked a second time. Singer Matilda: Haven't you a dream girl? Cannonball: Girl I ain't had nothing but nightmares lately. Singer Matilda: I can't imagine what my life would be like without you. Cannonball: Wait a minute woman. I aim to make sure you find out. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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