The Tulsa Kid (1940)

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  • 片       名The Tulsa Kid
  • 上映时间1940年08月16日(美国)
  • 导       演 George She...


  • advertisement Montana Smith: Why didn't you stampede along with your herd, young fella? Bob Wallace: Because this is my water hole. Montana Smith: Well, now, I heard different. Bob Wallace: Sam Ellis agreed it was when he sold me the ranch. Montana Smith: Maybe so. I ain't no lawyer... Bob Wallace: Nooo. No, just a gunman. Montana Smith: Well, that's what they pay me for, yes. Bob Wallace: Killin' people? Montana Smith: I never killed anyone who didn't try to get me first. Bob Wallace: Am I to take that as a warning? Montana Smith: Well now, it would be sound sense if you to take it as such. Henchman Nick Carson: You talk mighty big for an hombre that don't pack a gun. Scared somebody will force you to use it? Tom Benton: No, it's just that I don't shoot snakes... I step on 'em! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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