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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jone...

2007-10-23(美国)| 剧情 历史| 美国|1小时25分钟
上映时间:2007-10-23(美国) 类型: 剧情 历史 时长:1小时25分钟
评分: 力荐



Henry 'Indiana' Jones, Jr.:

[narrating] I was born July first, 1899. I don't remember a whole lot about it, but I guess my parents were pretty pleased to see me. They decided to name me after my father. So, I'm Henry Walton Jones, Junior. I grew up in Princeton, New Jersey at an exciting time, the very beginning of the twentieth century. I started to walk at a pretty early age. Eveyone in the house got pretty excited about it

[we see baby Indiana crawling across the roof of his family home as his father climbs after him]

Henry 'Indiana' Jones, Jr.:


Henry 'Indiana' Jones, Jr.:

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure

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