They Call It Sin (1932)

  • 美国
They Call It Sin
  • 片       名They Call It Si...
  • 上映时间1932年11月05日(美国)
  • 导       演 Thornton F...


  • advertisement Dr. Tony Travers: [to Jimmy] ... If you're going to insist on being a jackass, I'm going to turn your case over to a veterinary. Marion Cullen: I've answered ads for everything from a waitress to a lady's maid, and it's always the same old story - ten girls for every job. Dixie Dare: My trouble's just the opposite - ten jobs and only one Dixie Dare! Dixie Dare: Honey, why don't you get wise to yourself? This town's full of men who'd go goofy over you if you'd let 'em; so let 'em! Oh, don't take 'em too seriously; just kid 'em along and get what you can out of 'em. Say, if I had your looks I'd wear ermine underwear. Marion Cullen: Well, maybe you would, Dixie, but I'm not the type. Dixie Dare: You're telling me that after the way Humphries's been givin' you the eye the last three weeks? Marion Cullen: Now you're imagining things. Dixie Dare: So's Humphries. Ford Humphries: [at a nightclub bar, introductions are being made] Miss Dare, Mr. Goodrich. Mr. Goodrich: [tipsily] Hello, baby! Ford Humphries: Dixie, Mr. Goodrich wants to dance with you. [Dixie starts to protest] Ford Humphries: No, no look here - that's not fat around his middle; that's the belt he carries his money in. Dixie Dare: [brightening] Oh, well then maybe he needs me. [Dragging Mr. Goodrich onto the dance floor] Dixie Dare: I'd just *love* to dance with you! Mr. Goodrich: [befuddled] Who said I wanted to dance? Dixie Dare: Oh, but you will! [Goodrich continues to protest as Dixie firmly guides him onto the floor] Ford Humphries: [alone with Marion at last] Now look here, I have to resort to bribery to get a moment alone with you! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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