Sensation Hunters (1934)

  • 美国
Sensation Hunters
  • 片       名Sensation Hunte...
  • 上映时间1933年08月30日(美国)
  • 导       演 查尔斯·维多


  • advertisement [Trixie comes upon one of her girls, a blonde, looking through her purse for her gin flask] Trixie Snell: You'd forget your rosy cheeks if they weren't slapped on with a paintbrush! Blonde: I know I had it when I was with that traveling man last night. Trixie Snell: Well, did you look in the First National? [Blonde lifts up her skirt to check one of her garters. It is not there] Trixie Snell: Well, try the other branch, ya simp. Jerry Royal: Heaven help a sailor on a night like this. Dale Jordan: I thought you said you'd sworn off on sailors. Jerry Royal: Well, a girl's gotta have some practice. Some of those sailors are pretty good. At practice. Jerry Royal: You can't make a silk purse out of a horse's... neck. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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