Night Warning (1983)

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  • 恐怖


  • Detective Joe Carlson: [On why a rape story is bogus] ... Wasn't his day- the poor guy didn't even get his pecker out! Cheryl Roberts: Perverts and sluts! They are doing everything they can to take him away from us. Cheryl Roberts: [On why she's keeping her nephew away from school] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You don't want to go back... you've learnt enough- besides, it's full of perverts!" 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Cheryl Roberts: College is for rich kids and people with brains- you wouldn't fit in Cheryl Roberts: You owe me!... You are staying and that's that! Margie: [after Cheryl has just talked to Julie's mother on the phone] I thought you told Billy Julie had been here. Cheryl Roberts: [annoyed] Do you always listen to other people's phone conversations? Margie: [referring to Cheryl] Why don't you stop tormenting her? Detective Joe Carlson: You talking to me, lady? Margie: Yes. Detective Joe Carlson: Don't! Detective Joe Carlson: Now, Miss Roberts, you married? Cheryl Roberts: No. Detective Joe Carlson: Divorced? Cheryl Roberts: No. Detective Joe Carlson: Widowed? Cheryl Roberts: No. Detective Joe Carlson: But you do have boyfriends? Cheryl Roberts: No. Detective Joe Carlson: Do you like girls? Cheryl Roberts: God, you're a pig! Detective Joe Carlson: I took a look at this fellow Brody. Seems he was fairly athletic. Why didn't he pin you down on the couch? Cheryl Roberts: He tried, but I got away. Detective Joe Carlson: Now you said he touched your boob. How? Cheryl Roberts: I refuse... to answer anymore of your questions. Detective Joe Carlson: Lady, I don't give a shit what you do. Detective Joe Carlson: [after Billy has just told his story of the rape] That's good. That's very good, Billy. That's exactly word for word what you told me before. Did she help you memorize all that? Huh? Cheryl Roberts: You stupid bully! He's telling the truth! Why you doing this to us? Detective Joe Carlson: Because there's a dead man in there. And I wanna know why he died. Cheryl Roberts: I killed him! He tried to rape me! Detective Joe Carlson: [to the cops] Lock her up. Student: Fuck you! Detective Joe Carlson: And fuck you! Detective Joe Carlson: [after he has just told Billy his story of Brody's murder] Ain't that right, ma'am? Cheryl Roberts: YOU FILTHY PIG! You think you got it all figured out, don't ya? Well you're wrong! Detective Joe Carlson: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Phil Brody, remember him? The man who got wasted here? Well he was a fag, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a fag to be raping your aunt, unless you're one. Are you a fag? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Billy Lynch: No! Detective Joe Carlson: I'm gonna ask you again, and keep in mind it pisses me off when people lie to me. Are you a fag? Billy Lynch: You're crazy! Eddie: Next time... keep your queer hands off of me, okay? Detective Joe Carlson: Doesn't it bother you that he's a fag? Are you a fag? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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