Robin Williams: Live at the Met (1986)

  • 美国 英国
Robin Williams: Live at the Met
  • 片       名Robin Williams:...




  • Robin Williams: Then comes a very special time. Your first test as a father. A diper... you're ready. You may have been a lumberjack... you may have been a marine... you may have seen blood and guts. But you've never seen caca like this. it's incredible stuff; part toxic waste, part velcro. Robin Williams: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You try and do special things for your kid. I thought "I'll take him to Disneyland. That'll be fun." Disneyland for a three year old... Mickey Mouse for a three year old... bullshit. Mickey Mouse to a three year old is a six foot fucking rat! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Robin Williams: You know in England if you commit a crime, the police don't have a gun and you don't have a gun. So if you commit a crime: "Stop! Or, or I'll say stop again!" Robin Williams: Thank you... HOWDY! Oops, wrong house. How you like the play, Mr. Lincoln? Duck! Robin Williams: Here's a little warning sign if you have a cocaine problem: Number 1, if you come home to your house and there is no furniture and your cats going "I'm out of here, prick!" WARNING! Number 2, If you have this dream, where your doing cocaine in your sleep, and you can't fall asleep and doing cocaine in your sleep and can't fall asleep AND YOU WAKE UP and doing cocaine! BINGO! Number 3, If on your tax forms, it says "50,000 dollars for snacks! MAY DAY! Robin Williams: [as he drinks from a glass] A little sip of Perrier here. I had to stop drinking alcohol, because I used to wake up nude in front of my car with my keys in my ass. Not a good thing. [as a bystander] Robin Williams: Hi, can I help ya. [as himself, drunk, turning an imaginary key in his ass] Robin Williams: No thanks. It's just flooded. I'll be okay. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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