
  • 'Dr.' Shirlee Kenyon: Get down off the cross, honey. Somebody needs the wood. 'Dr.' Shirlee Kenyon: Why even the Declaration of Independence only guaranties life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It doesn't say anything about fair. Doesn't even say you have the right to be happy. Just to pursue it. Female Caller: But no one appreciates me, and I try to be fair, and they don't ... 'Dr.' Shirlee Kenyon: Get down off the cross honey, somebody needs the wood! 'Dr.' Shirlee Kenyon: Money is made to be spent. What goods it doin' in the bottom of my panty drawer? Jack Russell: [During the seduction scene he drops her bra] Holy Moley! 'Dr.' Shirlee Kenyon: Is that all you can say? Jack Russell: [softer and slower] Holy Moley! 'Dr.' Shirlee Kenyon: [Giggles] 'Dr.' Shirlee Kenyon: [Scene cuts to them lying in bed] Holy Moley! 'Dr.' Shirlee Kenyon: I'm busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest Valet: [Arrives with her car keys] You're the pink Mercedes? 'Dr.' Shirlee Kenyon: No, I'm Shirlee Kenyon. I drive a pink Mercedes. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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