Spaceship Earth (1994)

  • 片       名Spaceship Earth




  • Narrator: Like a grand and miraculous spaceship, our planet has sailed trough the universe of time... and for a brief moment, WE have been among its many passengers... Narrator: From the very beginning we have always sought to reach out to one another. To reach the gaps between us. To communicate. Narrator: Physical distance is no longer a barrier to communication. Today the entire world is our next door neighbor. Our news is their news, their news, ours. We share our hopes and concerns with the full planet. We truly live in a global neighborhood. Narrator: Since the dawn of recorded time, communication has revolutionized our lifes and changed our world. We now have the ability and the responsability to build new bridges of acceptance and cooperation between us. To create a better world for ourselves and our children as we continue our amazing journey aboard Spaceship Earth. Woman narrator: Welcome aboard Spaceship Earth. Journey with us now to the dawn of recorded time as we explore the amazing story of human communication. Woman narrator: Attention travelers! Please remain seatted. Your vehicle is rotating backwards for your return to Earth. Narrator: And as our appetite for information and knowledge grew, the world began to shrink. Woman Narrator: Your vehicle doors will open automatically. Please gather your belongings and watch your step on the moving platform. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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