Closer to Home (1995)

  • 美国 菲律宾
  • 片       名Closer to Home
  • 上映时间1995年08月30日
  • 导       演 Joseph Nob...
  • 剧       情
    Closer to Home weaves a universal, haunting tale of two people inexorably drawn together for vastly different reasons. Dalisay struggles to ...


  • Dean: It's not real. It's cubic zirconia. But it's a sign of things to come. Dean: Was I dreaming... or did you say you were stayin' here? Tess: I'm telling you, take it from me. You're in America. If you're weak, they will eat you up. Jan: I don't want to be part of your family. No, I just want to leave. I'm gonna take my kid and I'm gonna forget all about this place. Dean: I mean, it's not gonna be that big wedding I promised you, and I'm probably not gonna be able to bring your parents over... but we can have a nice small affair. There ain't nothin' wrong with small, right? Jan: So you bought a new lock! I hope you spent your money on a good one. Alma: I think there's another one outside. Look! [Looking through their store front window] Nick: Shit! Now he's bringing the whole goddamn family over! Jan: Hey you! Welcome to America! Gruta: There are probably 10,000 girls who would like to stand in front of me now. You really are a lucky girl! Uncle Ralph: I'm not being dramatic, it's the truth! You retire down there, you die down there! I don't know about you, but if I'm gonna die, I want to die up here with the family instead of down there all alone! [walking in] Nick: Is he talking about dying again? Jan: Oh it's only temporary. Where else was he suppose to stay when he got back? Nick: Back was suppose to be for only a week! He's here over a month already! I don't even think he's looking for another place to live! Dean: Don't bother to knock... just let yourselves in! Jan: You selfish son-of-a-bitch! You got one hell-of-a-nerve! You're not gonna fuck up my plans! Now you sign these goddamn papers! Nick: Go on... go on, disappear! That's all you've done your whole goddamn life! Run away! Run away! This time don't come back! Jan: Get out! Dalisay: But why? Jan: You wanna know why? We had an agreement and my brother broke it! He's not suppose to be living in this apartment and neither are you! So get out! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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