委以重任 (1997)

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  • 惊悚
  • 片       名委以重任
  • 上映时间1998年05月14日
  • 导       演 克里斯丁·杜瓦
  • 又       名委以重任 魔鬼谍报员 豺狼陷阱 卧底 The Assig...
  • 编       剧 Dan GordonSabi H. Sh...
  • 剧       情


  • Annibal Ramirez: I nearly killed some little kid's father today. I don't know about anything anymore. Jack Shaw: He was a baseball dad! He deserved it! Jack Shaw: The song says, There must be 50 ways to leave your lover? Make it Jack Shaw: Don't think of it as cheating on your wife. Think of it as... fuckin' for your flag. Amos: When in doubt, close your eyes and think of England. Maura Ramirez: You started smoking again? Annibal Ramirez: Yeah. I'll be doing heroin soon. Jack Shaw: What did Darth Vader say to Luke Skywalker? Come over to the dark side. Come over, Annibal. You have no idea of the power we have. Jack Shaw: I'm not the madam, kid. I'm just one of the whores, just like you. Carlos the Jackal: Who are you? Annibal Ramirez: I'm you, motherfucker. Annibal Ramirez: What do you think is out there, Maura? A safe little world with your shopping malls, you little league and ballet lessons? Hey! People are killing, Maura. And I'm one of them. Not neat and surgical like firing a missle from some sub but close enough so his brains splattered on me. And they weren't even the enemy Maura. It was to keep from blowing a cover. I've killed men, I let a friend die, I betrayed everything I've ever believed in. And yes, I've fucked other women. And you know what's worse? I've made you and the children a target because someone out there is going to kill you unless I kill him first. That's my job, Mona. And if you don't mind, I'm late for work. Carlos the Jackal: That woman was so much in love with me that if I asked her to suck my uncle's dick she would do it! Smiling! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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