
  • Odette: Up your ziggy with a wa-wa brush. [Browsing an adult catalog] Miss McVane: Oh, look, this one has three speeds. Odette: They think I'll be safe surrounded by high walls and lesbians. This is the end of the world. One look tells you, this place eats the hairy bird. Abby Sawyer: You're all just a bunch of... doodyheads. Odette: They're just boys Verena, not communists. Verena Von Stefan: I'm not going to live in the shadow of the hairy bird. Tinka Parker: Well that's your problem, you're afraid of boys. Verena Von Stefan: You'd be afraid too except that you have nothing left to lose Ms Tinka. Tinka Parker: Prude. Verena Von Stefan: Tramp. Tweety: Truce. Quiet. Come on. Have some ravioli. Tinka Parker: It's what we've always wanted, boys at Ms. Goddards. Verena Von Stefan: Oh yeah you'd just go out and greet them with open legs. Odette: Hey now they're going to have to call it Ms. Go-nads. Tinka Parker: Look, Von Stefan. I know you like this place the way it is, but wake up. It's not real life. Real life is boy, girl, boy, girl. Verena Von Stefan: No, real life is boy *on top* of girl. Verena Von Stefan: Coed school will be a nice change. Odette: [to Frosty] Excuse us please. [aside] Odette: You hypocrite. I thought you said you hated boys. Verena Von Stefan: I've been thinking, perhaps they are like dogs. If we don't take them in, they run wild and are a danger to society. Verena Von Stefan: No more little white gloves. Odette: None of your Floppin Buggies. Snake: You're so beautiful I can eat your teeth. Abby Sawyer: [Sobbing] They all... hate me. Sometimes I just want to rip off my stars and be just like everyone else. Page Sawyer: Abby Sawyer, when you are at the top, there are always jealous people at the bottom who try to bring you down. Well, you just stick out your chin and say "POO." [after Odie has humiliated the hall monitor] Verena Von Stefan: Wow... that was breath-taking. You really do have quite a way with words. Odie, I would like to invite you to join the D.A.R. Odette: Oh, I'm not a republican. Verena Von Stefan: Oh, God, no. We should hope not. [Before sex] Dennis: Look, even if you did get pregnant, I'd marry you. Odette: Do you believe in centralized government or states' rights? Dennis: What? Odette: I just want to know the kind of guy I'm marrying. Dennis: I'm starting to get the distinct impression you don't want to do this anymore. [Verena arrives late to class] Frank Dewey: You've missed a whole period. Verena Von Stefan: [gasps] You mean I'm pregnant? Odette: I did NOT say you could use my record player. Tinka Parker: Welcome. I'm Tinka Parker, and this is Verena Von Stefan. Verena Von Stefan: Art thou per chance, Odette? Odette: Odie. [Odie, Verena, and Tinka are going to bed] Tinka Parker: Good night, Tinka. Verena Von Stefan: Good night, Verena. Tinka Parker: [teasing Odie] Good night, Dennis. Verena Von Stefan: Ohh. Dennis. Harder. Deeper. [Verena snickers as Tinka continues to mock Odie] Tweety: Verena's gone, St. Ambrose is taking over, and next year I'm going to have to face Todd Winslow every day at breakfast. I WANT TO RETCH AND DIE. Momo: They're going to pull down our grades. Tinka Parker: They're going to pull down more than that. Verena Von Stefan: Right. Just imagine. We'll have to wash our hair every night, we'll have to sleep on rollers till our scalp bleeds, then we'll have to get up at six every morning for the comb out. Your lungs will be lined with hairspray. Then you need all this equipment to push up the tits and blitz the zits and spray the pits. Then, then you stagger into class and you look perfect, but you're exhausted. You're too tired to even think. But that's okay, because the teachers won't call on you anyway. Also, you don't wanna be smarter than the boys - they don't like that. So, to wake up you drink some coffee at lunch. [to Tweety] Verena Von Stefan: You'll be on a permanent diet. Snake: Excuse me, I think I left my yacht running. [Frosty wakes up after Verena finishes undressing him] Verena Von Stefan: [gasp] You're not supposed to be awake! 'Frosty' Frost: [looks around] I'm probably not. Odette: [about the school's co-ed merger] Verena, it looks like this thing is going to happen whether we want it to or not so we're just going to have to adjust. Verena Von Stefan: Adjust? Where would we be today if President Kennedy had said "Oh well, we'll just have to ADJUST to living in the shadow of nuclear warheads on Cuba?" < 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • b>Momo: There ya go. Odette: They're just boys, Verena, not communists. Verena Von Stefan, Tinka Parker: Dinner! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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