You Saw Me Up There (1998)

You Saw Me Up There
  • 片       名You Saw Me Up T...
  • 又       名You Saw Me Up There




  • Henry Rollins: [On needing to buy a blanket] How would that look, you know? You can't come across as a tough guy - got tattoos, fucking road warrior. "I'd like to buy a blanket." "You mean, you get cold at night?" [mocks punching someone] Henry Rollins: "I usually build a fire in my room. When I'm really cold I stab my dog and thrust my hands into his steaming entrails. A blanket? Nooo." Henry Rollins: Usually, if a plane lands at, say, LAX, you start your descent in Phoenix. This descent was a 90 degree plummet. This descent had my ass go into my throat. Henry Rollins: The band comes crashing down on the first note. My head does down, my knee comes up... BAM! Knocked my ass out. Out. Out for like, 15 seconds. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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