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"The Panel"

"The Panel" (1998) 6.7

1998-02-18(澳大利亚)| | 澳大利亚
上映时间:1998-02-18(澳大利亚) 类型:
评分: 力荐


advertisement Kate: Seriously... John Mayer: Oh, I'm sure it's gonna get serious now. Rob: We don't have rooting here. John Mayer: Rooting? Rob: Yeah, we have barracking. Kate: And fun rooting. John Mayer: You got all your questions here. Tom: Yeah. I didn't do Jennifer Love Hewitt, you'd...; John Mayer: I didn't either. Kate: Rumour has it you sing. John Mayer: I sing. But I don't do bits. Wendy: But you did do Heidi Kleiss.

"The Panel"

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