Pretend You Don't See Her (2002)

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  • 惊悚
  • 片       名Pretend You Don...
  • 上映时间2002年01月12日
  • 导       演 René ...
  • 剧       情
    Lacey Farrell is a realtor in New York, whose latest assignment is to sell the apartment of a girl, who died in an accident recently. When s...


  • Heather Greco: [voiceover] Sometimes I think he might just kill me just to keep me quiet. Heather Greco: [voiceover] There were a bunch of us up at Stowe, skiing. Ginny, Jane Moore, Ken Lynch, Gary Kroll. Ginny and Gary came back to New York and Ken he had to come home for his radio show today. Heather Greco: [voiceover] Uh, I guess this weekend was when I knew it was all over. I've had the feeling he was using me for awhile but now I'm sure of it. There were a bunch of us up at Stowe, skiing. Ginny, Jane Moore, Ken Lynch, Gary Kroll. Then afterwards he came up wanting us to be alone [laugh] Heather Greco: that was no more true than anything else he's ever said to me. Lacey Farrell: Okay, so who's 'he'? Heather Greco: [voiceover] Ginny and Gary came back to New York and Ken he had to come home for his radio show today. That's when I got a call from. Lacey Farrell: Man, Manhattan? Someone she knows in town? What were they warning you about Heather. [she looks at the next page in Heather's journal] Heather Greco: [voiceover] Now that I know what I know about him, I'm even more afraid. He's angry that I won't see him and scared that I'll talk to my father. Sometimes I think he might just kill me just to keep me quiet. Heather Greco: Mum, just being here with you like this. I feel better already. Chantal Greco: Oh what I would've given to hear that from you when you were sixteen. Heather Greco: Well you handled the troubled teen pretty well. Chantal Greco: [laugh] Maybe it looked that way, I just remember it as controlled panic. Heather Greco: I don't know, eh, maybe that's why I had to see you today. I mean maybe that troubled teen is not far off. Chantal Greco: What's the matter? Heather Greco: Nothing. It's complicated. Chantal Greco: A man? Heather Greco: No it's more than just a guy problem, it's connected on so many levels. I don't know how to get out. Chantal Greco: Heather, what's going on? Heather Greco: Can we go for a coffee or something? [Chantal nods] Heather Greco: Let's just go and try Rulanders. [she puts her sunglasses on and walks with Chantal across a road when a car drives directly at them] Heather Greco: No! [she pushes Chantal to the side, right before the car hits her, killing her] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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