Edge of America (2004)

  • 美国
  • 片       名Edge of America
  • 上映时间2003年12月10日
  • 导       演 Chris Eyre
  • 又       名Edge of America
  • 编       剧 Willy Holt...
  • 获       奖


  • Annie Shorty: Most of us have never met an African American before. Kenny Williams: Well I've never met a Native American before. Annie Shorty: Indian. Kenny Williams: Black. Kenny Williams: Okay Cuch, why'd you bring me all the way up here? Cuch: You're standing at the center of two worlds. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Kenny Williams 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Yeah, well, I thought I left that other world behind. Cuch: Well don't look through their eyes, look through your eyes. From here you can see forever - the past, the present, the future. See, the Creator scattered us to the four winds so we could prove that we're human by finding our way home. Kenny Williams: Well, always trying to find your way home can make a man crazy. Cuch: Hmmh, sometimes you have to go all the way around the world to find your way, and sometimes you've got to put pride aside to get there. Me, I'm home. Kenny Williams: This is like, what, a sacred site or something? Cuch: This? [chuckles] Cuch: This is just a big rock. [walks away laughing] Kenny Williams: What the hell's going on? Annie Shorty: They don't understand why you're pissed off all the time. Kenny Williams: Look, I've had to deal with Norville, Homer, Shirleen. Annie Shorty: Shirleen? Kenny Williams: Yeah, she went out and got herself pregnant. Annie Shorty: She's not perfect, she made a mistake, but to you she's just another dark-skinned girl dragging down the race. Kenny Williams: I didn't say that. Annie Shorty: You thought it. Kenny Williams: Oh, so now you can read my thoughts. Annie Shorty: Those girls do everything you ask them to do. They practice hard, they get good grades, they win. Kenny Williams: Then you tell me why I'm pissed off. Annie Shorty: Because you're a black man in America. Kenny Williams: That's right, I'm good and pissed off. Annie Shorty: Well then get over it! You're talking to Indian people here! Get over it, get on with it, or get the hell out! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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