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Deacons for Defense

Deacons for Defense (2003) 6.6

2005-02-23(意大利)| 美国
获奖信息:美国演员工会奖(2004年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

The words "Black Power" bring back memories of names like Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, and Eldridge Cleaver, but in Bogalusa, L...更多>


[Getting ready to start the armed patrols of their neighborhood] Marcus Clay: We started with five men. Now look at us- larger, stronger. [shouts] Marcus Clay: Let m


e hear it. All: [shouting] Yes, sir. Marcus Clay: Each squad stays within 100 yards of the other squad. Use your whistles. Don't start talkin' and bunchin' up with other squads. Use your eyes. See them before they see you. All right, let's go. [shouts] Marcus Clay: Never again. All: [shouting] Never again. Marcus Clay: [shouts] Till peace comes at last. All: [shouting] Till peace comes at last. Marcus Clay: [shouts] Deacons for defense. All: [shouting] Deacons for defense. Marcus Clay: [shouts] Deacons for defense. All: [shouting] Deacons for defense. Marcus Clay: [shouts] Deacons for defense. All: [shouting] Deacons for defense. Marcus Clay: [shouts] Deacons for defense. All: [shouting] Deacons for defense. Marcus Clay: [shouts] Go do it. All: [shouting] Yeah [leading KKK rally] William Chase: Now we have a white company like Patterson Paper telling us how to run our lives. Taking our jobs. Spreading communism and niggerism to our community. They are taking our way of life. Tonight, I ask you to stand tall... stand proud... exalt in your whiteness... in your intelligence... in your superiority. It's our turn now. White Power, rain down on this great country of ours. [shouts] William Chase: White power. All: [shouting] White power. William Chase: [shouts] White power. All: [shouting] White power. William Chase: [shouts] White power. All: [shouting] White power. William Chase: [shouts] White power. All: [shouting] White power. [Some members want Marcus removed as leader of the Deacons] Rev. Gregory: I have been living in fear of the Klan all my life. Was bred in me as a child, and it made me less than a man. But all of that has changed because of you. You freed me, son. You woke up something in me, so don't you stop. Don't you dare stop. And tomorrow, I'm gonna be marching with you, and I'm gonna march every day to change what's happening down here. And there ain't gonna be no change in leadership. Ain't gonna be no steppin' down. Marcus is still in charge. [dropping two civil right workers off at the county line] Sheriff: Now the only reason you boys ain't hurtin' is because you got the same skin color as God. But this is a one-time pass. Remember what happened to those northern boys in Mississippi. [Sheriff smacks Deane across the mouth] Sheriff: Y'all know which way to go. [Sheriff drives away then Deane walks back] Michael Deane: Let's go. Charles Hillibrand: What are you kidding me?


Charles Hillibrand


: They're not fooling around, Michael. They *will* kill us. Why are you willing to die for this? Do you hear me? Michael Deane: Why, Charlie? Because our skin, is *not* the same color as God's. [filmed evidence of KKK activity by local leaders is presented to a judge] Christenberry: I'm looking at photos and films of Bogalusa, and all I see are Confederate flags. Is there not one American flag in the town of Bogalusa?

Deacons for Defense

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